XXLEdit Pro
Superior word processor and notes manager for boosting your productivity.
XXLEdit Pro is #1 thing for your word processing productivity.
It supports full RTF formatting. Strong support for HTML is also included.
It's suitable for wide range of tasks: from writing emails to editing HTML files.
While developing this product our goal is delivering unexpensive "complexity free"
ergonomic editing tools. So we made the first version of XXLEdit.
It brings you comfort of work you were always seeking for.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 1.97 |
- Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP
- Pentium or similar processor
- 64MB RAM
File Size: | 1.26 MB |
License: | Free to try, $29.95 to buy |
Screenshot: | View Screenshot |
Rating: |  |
XXLEdit Pro Features:
- 8 projects outliners + 8 notes outliners + 8 todo outliners + 8 URL outliners
great way to simplify the management of your projects!
- HTML->Convert Text To HTML...
you can easy insert plain text as HTML formatted!
- Insert Note Into Doc As HTML
insert text note as HTML formatted code at once!
- Insert Cycle Pattern... command
insert repeated text with outnumbering inside!
enter pattern Adr|<>"" and Adr|<>"Abc" with | sign as a placeholder and enter
range from 1 to 3 and you will get a result like this:
Adr1<>"" and Adr1<>"Abc"
Adr2<>"" and Adr2<>"Abc"
Adr3<>"" and Adr3<>"Abc"
- Insert Before Lines Containing...command
insert repeated text before lines containing pattern
- Multiple selections for smart text editing (in the test mode so far)
Now you have options to choose the way you process text:
1) you can use traditional selection
2) if there is no highlighting and selection you can process the current line by default
3) if you highlighted some parts of the text (and there is no selection) you can process highlighted portions only!
We plan that multiple selection can automate repetitive editing tasks in the future version of our editor.
We also plan to add selection guessing. This combining with multiple selection editing will offer a new
level of editing environment.
- copying selection by double clicking on the middle mouse button
is the fastest
way to get selection copied (if you were using mouse for selection before).
- Dynamic filtration and search for items
Now you can quickly find any items by typing the first letters of serach pattern(search thru
item's name and content). Or filter items by any Flag. Fast.
- Separate "Items->Mark As Done"command
Now you can quickly mark any number of selected itmes as Done at once using this handy command
without going to States submenu.
- Powerful clipboard monitor is embedded.
It allows to save all your text clips in configurable Clips tree. Each item is shown with it's size
(graphical icon is provided to make you noticed about large-sized clips), date of clipping (today's
clips are highlighted). Duplication control is provided.
- Smart typing
- smart braces
- smart quotes
- AutoIndent mode
- AutoCorrect mode
- audio comments on typing events (autocorrection, autobracing)
- autotext mode (stenography)
- turbodelete mode
- any editing operation is available even without selection (line is a default selection)
- F2, F3, F4 shortcuts for cut-copy-paste commands
- {clone N Times...} command
- File's tabbed interface
- Intelligent file management
- Recent Files
- Recent Folders
- Fave Files
- Project management
- Save As To Recent Folder command
- Web Page Preview {F12} - saves file (HTML) and opens it in Default Browser
- True RTF formatting
- easy color management
- base formatting styles and fonts
- Zooming by {Ctrl+Num+}/{Ctrl+Num-}
- Direct HTML support
- handy shortcuts for most qrequently used commands
- JavaScript support
- Tags exchange
- goto Tag commands
- base formatting styles works as HTML styles when HTML document is loaded
- User lists for quick text insertion
- Converting functions including Smart Capitalize
- Notes management
- fast alternative to file-based information management system
- 100000 notes could be opened in less than a second!
- excellent notes outliner
- exhaustive set of commands to manage items
- different items type to manage differend kind of information
- hotkeys for each note
- Contacts management
- Bookmarks management
- ToDos management
- SideNotes
- Reminders
- HTML-based Report system
- Google search support
- Cool comment tool